Package Terms

1. Deliverables

A. Registration: Business Name or Company Registration with CAC.

Deliverables are

Business Name
a. Certificate of Registration (PDF)
b. Report of Application for Registration (PDF)

Company Registration
a. Certificate of Registration (PDF)
b. Report of Application for Registration (PDF)
c. Memorandum of Article (PDF)

I. The Business name registration offer as covered by the promotion allows for either one or 2 Proprietors (partners) additional Proprietors may attract extra charges

II. The company registration (if private limited by shares) as covered by the promotion offer is restricted to 1 Million naira shares capital, additional share capital attracts extra charges of 10,000 naira for every extension on into a new million.

B. Website/E-Commerce Development
The Website/E-commerce platform will be WordPress powered. It’s hosting and domain tenancy shall be for a period of 1 year.

Corporate website may adopt a Full, one page sectioned structure. Sections will include Home, About, Services, Contact (and a Blog for Gold package or at extras charge for Silver package). Included functional features are Contact Form and Chat widget.
Additional pages/custom features may be included (if requested for) at extra cost.

bi. Contents
Textual and graphical contents may be provided for the development purpose, if however contents are not available to be supplied, Maxiscope Ideas may help come up with basic textual contents to use in places based on available information queried of the organisation and she may use stock images in place for graphical content need.
Pls note that the organisation is expected to submit her Logo (preferably in PNG with transparent background). The promo off does not involve logo development, however Maxiscope can help development or provide for a logo at extra cost.

C. Free Busines consultancy

The business consultancy is fairly restricted to strategic consultation of business activities in line of Marketing, Market infiltration, Expansion, business/product branding, Customer acquisition and retention strategie.

2. Duration

The delivery date for the website/e-eommerce is with 15 – 20 business days from package subscription.

Registration with CAC will be withing 3 – 7 business day from subscription of package.

3. Renewal/Transfer of Service

Renewal of hosting and domain name tenancy after expiration will attract standard charges to be set by Maxiscope Ideas. Transfer of Webmaster services may be opted for, it however may attract charges and conditions.